Saturday, January 16, 2010

Chiropractic in India

The word is definitely getting out... Every day more and more people are showing up at the now famous Re-Life Chiropractic Centre, the first state of the art chiro clinic in all of India. Located on the 7th floor of the Shree Krishna Business Center in an upscale area of Ahmedabad, this clinic is truly a sight to behold. Having only been open for 3 weeks, every day more new patients are showing up-- usually referred by current patients who have been helped tremendously by this "new" treatment. We have 4 zenith hi-lo tables with full drops, 3 spinalators, one automatic flexion-distraction table, and an x-ray machine here, but its not set up yet, so everyone comes in with their films from a nearby imaging center. (I looked at the price list for the images so I don't think there's any rush to get it set up... it costs 175 rupees--about 4 dollars-- for a set of digital xrays, and get this...2200 rupees-- about 50 bucks-- for an MRI! I think I'll have every part of me scanned just for the helluvit just because it such a bargain.)

Dr. Carter and I jumped right in and started seeing patients... close to 30 on our first day in town... and everyone is waggling their heads in satisfaction. We have already seen some bizarre cases that would be very rare to see in the US, and Carter already restored a woman's hearing with a cervical adjustment. Way to go, Chris!

Well, I gotta go, as here come more patients... yes it's Sunday and we're here for the internet, but people are showing up anyway. More later.
dr. nick

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